
Showing posts from January, 2020

Tea can Be Alternative Medicine Only When Consumed Sensibly

TES AS MEDICINE: Tea's healing abilities have been known to mankind forever now, so why adulterate it with so canned 'detox' ingredients? Most teatoxing kits combine tea leaves with all-natural ingredients like senna leaf, ginseng root, liquorice root, chrysanthemum, nettle leaves, psyllium seeds, cinnamon bark, cloves, rhubarb, ginger, and lemongrass. While most of these ingredients are natural, their overuse may disrupt the body's natural rhythm.        while the world goes berserk over green tea, black tea(the chinese variety, not the English), oolong, and a tea called pu'er are also potent medicines. In fact, all herbs are medicine, whether they're in the form of 'tea', infusion, tincture, or capsule. One just needs to be careful since some herbs and flowers in teas can trigger allergies. Always read the ingredients on the package before you consume a new herbal tea. Also, tea can only be medicinal and detoxifying if your diet isn't taxing y

Easy -to-do shoulder exercises to get rid of bad posture and stiffness:

Though they are considered to be among the most flexible joints in our body, shoulders still remain one of the most common spots of pain. usually caused by wear and tear due to overuse and little recovery time, this is also common among people who have desk-bound jobs and are hunched over their computers.     Experts say that a constant or nagging pain in your shoulder may also lead to poor posture, neck pain and other issues like breathing difficulty. That apart, excessive pressure on your shoulders while working out without proper guidance can injure the joints, too. So, here are some exercises to loosen up those stiff shoulder muscles. Ideally, they should be done under proper supervision. Pic: Side planks help in strengthening muscles SIDE PLANKS WITH A TWIST: The coolest thing about this one is that this shoulder-opening exercise also works your love handles. HOW TO DO IT:   On a yoga mat, lie down on your right side and stack both legs on each other. Now, lift y